Un pensamiento en “Reseña de 1500 m por JEU Des COUVRE

  • 13 marzo, 2022 a las 5:57 pm
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    After a few sessions playing 1500m I tried 800m this time, I played with six colours two were Bots one of them came 3rd.
    This was a quick game now after getting to grips with the rules.
    The Bots play quite well, you play one of their movement cards and use that number for all the bots, then on the Pace phase you just move them the same as the highest runner level.
    They always use the best path to get into the best position and you can always redo the position unlike the normal rule where you can’t count with your finger or redo your movement.
    I played all these games by RANDOMLY drawing cards and moved the runners the best I could following the rules, the only thing I put a bit of thought to was the Extra Actions Bid and the Pace Phase.
    The method I used playing solo worked quite well.
    I Can’t wait to play the game with human players. I am going to try out the BGG solo version, but the next session will be the Advanced Rules with 8 runners.
    There is such a variation of game play eg; 1 Human, and the other 7 are ROBOT RUNNERS.
    As a human player you can CHOOSE one of your movement cards and one of the extra action bid cards as per the rules.
    This is such a good game it’s a shame not many people have heard of it.
    I highly recommended this game, this is another top shelf game with the other race themed games in my collection.


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